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The Activation Wizard is a dialog box that provides a simple interface for activating ABBYY FlexiCapture. During the activation process, the Activation Wizard generates a Product ID out of all the information that is required for activation and sends the Product ID to ABBYY. This activation information does not include any private data about you or your computer that could be used to identify you.

Registered users can restore their Serial Number in case it was lost during system reinstallation. When you register ABBYY FineReader, you’ll receive bonus software FREE! Register FineReader versions 8.0, 9.0, 10, 11, 12, 14 or 15 and receive ABBYY Screenshot Reader. Warning: Your IP address is public! Your Internet Provider, Government or hackers can very easily track all your activity! Enable protection.

To activate your license, complete the following steps:

  1. Provide your serial number (24 characters) and click Next.
  2. Select an activation method:
    • via Internet (recommended)
      FlexiCapture will be activated automatically in just a few seconds. This method requires an Internet connection.
    • by e-mail
      You will be prompted to send an automatically generated e-mail message containing activation information to ABBYY. Do not make any changes to the title and body of the message to ensure a prompt reply.
    • by e-mail from another computer
      You will be prompted to send an e-mail message with generated activation information to ABBYY. Use this method if the Licensing Server is not connected to the Internet and cannot send e-mails.
      Note: If you have already received a license file in response to an e-mail request, click Load activation file and specify the path to the license file (*.ABBYY.License).
  3. Click Next to activate your license.

After the activation process is completed, you will be able to run ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 on the server.

Abbyy Lingvo X5 Serial Number Free

Note: If you reinstall ABBYY FlexiCapture 12, you will not have to activate it again. The FlexiCapture stations will automatically connect to the Licensing Server and use the existing license.

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The Processing Server, Project Setup Station, and Verification Stations connect to the Licensing Server directly using the address stored in the LicensingSettings.xml file in the FlexiCapture installation folder. You can find this address in the ServerAddress tag of the MainNetworkLicenseServer attribute. If you install the Licensing Server on a different computer, you will need to activate your licenses again (if you are using license files) and change the address of the Licensing Server in the LicensingSettings.xml files on the stations.

All other stations, including remote stations, web stations, Scanning Stations and Data Verification Stations will receive licensing information from the Application Server.

Adding a user dictionary to ABBYY Lingvo for Mac ABBYY Lingvo for Mac requests activation every time it is started ABBYY Lingvo System Administrator's Guide Moving the License Server for ABBYY Lingvo x3/x5/x6 Pop-up translation doesn't work in PDFs How to restore dictionaries in ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries for iOS. Download free trial versions of ABBYY software. PDF software for efficiently working with documents – both PDFs and scans – in the digital workplace. Digitize, retrieve, edit, protect, share, and collaborate on documents with ease.

Note: The Processing Server facilitates interactions between the Licensing Server and the Application Server, so you will not be able to complete the activation process unless the Processing Server is running and connected to the Application Server.

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The setup prоcedure dоes nоt require tоо much аssistаnce but it tакes а while tо finish. As fаr аs the interfаce is cоncerned, ABBYY Lingvo X5 is wrаpped in а regulаr windоw with а cleаr-cut structure.

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There were nо unpleаsаnt surprises in оur tests, since ABBYY Lingvo X5 did nоt hаng, crаsh оr pоp up errоr messаges. It hаs а gооd respоnse time tо cоmmаnds аnd runs оn lоw CPU аnd RAM, sо it dоes nоt put а strаin оn cоmputer perfоrmаnce. Thаnкs tо its intuitive structure аnd оptiоns, this аpplicаtiоn shоuld meet the requirements оf mоst users lоокing tо study а fоreign lаnguаge.

User rating1.1/5
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ABBYY Lingvo X5 comments

04 December 2018, eleonora wrote:

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thank you for the patch

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