Biriba Game


Biriba game rules

Εύκολο και ρεαλιστικό game play. Σχολείο Μπιρίμπας (για όσους θέλουν να. Biriba online, biriba. Casino Games MMOG. Battlestar Galactica Dark Orbit Deepolis Drakensang Farmerama RamaCity SeaFight Skyrama War Of Titans Zoo Mumba Khan Wars Nemexia Fliplife Fragoria. Biriba definition is - a Brazilian tree (Rollinia deliciosa) whose fruit resembles the custard apple. Canasta and Biriba are other name variations for Buraco, a card game that can be played with 2 or 4 participants. Choose the mode that suits you best and knock on! Play online with other people. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Biriba Game at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

This page is about the card game Buraco as played in Brazil. Similar games are played in some other countries, and there are separate pages about:

  • the Italian card game Burraco
  • the Argentinean tile game Burako

Buraco is a four-player partenrship game related to Canasta, and in some ways similar to Samba, in that the aim is to meld combinations of seven or more cards that can be either sets of equal rank or sequences in a suit. As in several of the newer games of this family each team is dealt an extra hand of cards which is picked up by the first member the team who plays all the cards from their initial hand.

Buraco originated in South America, probably in the 1940's, and is still widely played there. A similar game Burako is played in Argentina using tiles instead of cards, and since the 1990's a variation Burraco has become extremely popular in Italy.

Several versions of Buraco are played in Brazil, where the game is also known as Canastra, Biriba or Perida. Buraco Aberto (open buraco) will be described first, then the differences in Buraco Fechado (closed buraco), and finally some other variants.

Players and Cards

There are normally 4 players in two fixed partnerships. The deal and play are clockwise. A 108-card pack is used, consisting of two standard 52-card packs with four wild jokers, known as curingão. The twos, known as curinga can be used either as wild cards or as natural twos in sequences. The card values are:

  • Each joker: 20 points
  • Each two: 10 points
  • Each ace: 15 points
  • Each K, Q, J, 10, 9 or 8: 10 points
  • Each 7, 6, 5, 4 or 3: 5 points.


The first dealer is chosen by drawing cards and thereafter the turn to deal passes to the left. The player to dealer's right cuts the cards and forms two 11-card piles (mortos) from the cut portion: these are put aside to be taken by the first player of each team who runs out of cards. The dealer deals the cards one at a time from the remainder of the pack: 11 to each player. The remaining 42 cards are stacked face down to form the draw pile (monte). The game begins with the discard pile (lixo or bagaço) empty.


The aim of the game is to score points by putting down melds. Each team keeps its melds together. Players can add cards to their own team's melds but not to melds put down by their opponents.

A meld consists of a sequence(seguida) of three or more consecutive cards of a suit. For this purpose the cards rank A-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A. It is possible to have a 14-card sequence with an ace at each end. A meld can contain at most one wild card (a joker or a two) as a substitute for a missing card. A two of the correct suit can alternatively be used as a natural card, immediately below the three, and it is possible for a sequence to contain a wild two or joker in addition to a natural two.

A sequence that contains a wild card is dirty(suja): a sequence consisting entirely of natural cards is clean(limpa). A sequence of seven or more cards is called a canastra, and the team scores a bonus for this.

In Buraco Aberto there are no sets of equal cards, only sequences.


The first player, to the right of the dealer, takes the top card of the draw pile, looks at it, and decides whether or not to keep it. The options for the first player are:

  1. Keep the first card; possibly put down one or more melds; discard one card from hand face up to end the first player's turn.
  2. Discard the first card face up; take a second card from the draw pile; possibly put down one or more melds; discard a second card face up on top of the first to end turn.

Thereafter, the turn to play passes counter-clockwise and each turn consists of:

  1. Taking either the top card of the face-down draw pile or the whole of the face-up discard pile.
  2. Optionally putting down melds or adding cards to melds already put down by the player's team.
  3. Discarding one card face up on the discard pile.

Rockstar hindi movie cast. In this open game, the cards of the discard pile are overlapped, so that all their values can be seen.

Note: the special procedure for the first player is almost equivalent to having turned up a card after the deal to start the discard pile and giving the first player a normal turn, choosing between this and drawing an unknown card from the stock pile. The only real difference is that if the first player keeps the first card drawn, the other players do not know what it was.

The first player who gets rid of the last card from his or her hand picks up takes the first morto of 11 cards to use as a new hand. The second morto is taken by the first player of the other team who runs out of cards. Running out of cards is known as a batida and there are two types:

  1. batida direta (or batida seco) in which all the player's cards are melded. The player picks up the morto and carries on melding, until the turn is ended by discarding from the new hand.
  2. batida indireta: when a player discards his or her last card to claim a morto, the new 11-card hand cannot be used until the player's next turn.

When a team has taken its morto, either player of that team can end the play with a second batida if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The player melds all but one card from hand, and discards this last card.
  • The team has melded at least one canastra limpa - a clean sequence of seven or more cards without a wild card.

If the draw pile runs out before both the mortos have been taken, then a morto is converted into a new draw pile of 11 cards, and play continues. If the draw pile becomes empty and both mortos have been used, the play ends. The turn of the player who took the last card from the draw pile is completed, and the points are then counted.


When the play ends, both teams score as follows:

cards in melds on the tableplus card value
cards in players' handsminus card value
canastra limpa (clean sequence of 7+ cards)200 points extra
canastra suja (7+ card sequence including wild card)100 points extra
canastra meia real (clean 13-card sequence)500 points extra
canastra real (clean 14-card sequence)1000 points extra
for going out (closing)100 points extra
if one team has not taken its morto, that team scoresminus 100 points

If a player takes a morto after discarding (batida indireta), but never plays a turn with it because someone else goes out before the player's next turn, the team is charged the 100 point penalty for the unused morto, rather than adding up the values of the cards in it. Note that if neither team has taken its morto, the 100-point penalty does not apply to either side.

The game is normally played to 3000 points: when a team reaches or passes this total, the team with the higher score wins.

A team whose cumulative score is at least half the target score (at least 1500 when playing to 3000) is said to be vulnerable. The first meld(s) put down by a vulnerable team must have a card value of at least 75 points.

Buraco Fechado

This game is called 'closed buraco' because the cards of the discard pile are stacked so that only the top card is visible. It is usually played with several other differences from the above rules.

  • It is possible to meld a set of three or more equal cards, known as a lavadeira or charuto or tripa. At most one wild card can be included in the set. A set of seven or more forms a canastra suja or canastra limpa, depending on whether it contains a wild card, and scores accordingly. It is possible to meld a set of twos, and a canastra of twos scores 1000 points extra instead of 100 or 200.
  • The discard pile can only be taken if its top card is immediately used in a meld. This meld can include other cards from the pile, and if the team is vulnerable, meldable cards from the pile can be used towards the 75 points to justify its first meld. If the top card of the discard pile is a wild card (two or joker), the pile can only be taken is the wild card is used as part of a new meld.
  • A player can go out if the player's team has taken its morto and made at least one canastra - the canastra does not have to be clean.


Some play to a target of 2000 or 3500 points rather than 3000.

Some players round all scores up to a multiples of 10 - for example 485 is recorded as 490. The delta phenomenon review.

Some play without vulnerability - there is no minimum meld value.

Some play that jokers are worth 50 points each rather than 20.

Some play without jokers, so with 106 cards only. In this version the only wild cards are the twos.

Some score 150 for a dirty canastra and 300 for a clean canastra.

In buraco fechado, some count any clean set of all 8 cards of a rank, such as eight 9's, as a canastra real, worth 1000 points.

In buraco aberto, some allow a set of three of more aces to be melded, but no ranks other than aces.

Some award a bonus of 100 points to the non-dealing team if the player making the cut does so in such a way as to leave exactly 44 cards, so that the dealer has exactly enough cards to deal to the players. However, when playing with this rule, if the cutter leaves the dealer with fewer than 44 cards, the cutter's team is charged a 100-point penalty.

Some play that the person who cuts the deck can look at the bottom card from the upper portion of the cut. If that card is a joker or a 2 (that is, any wild card), they can keep it as a card for their hand. Dealing happens normally, but the person who cut and already has their first card is skipped during the first dealing round.

Other Brazilian Buraco websites

There is a description of Buraco on Portuguese Wikipedia

You can play Buraco on line at

  • the Brazilian Megajogos site
  • The Brazilian Jogatina site, which offers two versions of Buraco and a related game Tranca.
  • The Brazilian Ludopoli site, where you can play buraco aberto and fechado, tranca and other card games.



The platform includes two games.The popular game Mpirimpa / Buraco in two variants (the simple and the most complicated) and Tic Tac Toe.Mpirimpa / Buraco can be played by two opponents or two opposing pairs while Tic Tac Toe can only be played by two players (one against each other).For players to participate in a game they must bet the minimum amount of 200 chips each; winners get the chips that their opponents lose minus the chips the platform gets; the platform percentage starts at 40% but decreases as the bet goes up.


Each player gets several free chips as soon as they join the platform and wins chips if they successfully invite a friend(and the friend registers on the platform).Free Chips are given through a free lottery ticket which has a minimum guaranteed profit.This lottery ticket is given at frequent intervals.


Each player can get free chips through inviting friends to the platform viaFacebook, Email, Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram και Twitter.In case of successful registration both the player and the friend get free chips.


Players can buy chips from the store.They can also buy avatars that can be used instead of their own photo as well as virtual items that they can offer to their teammates while playing games.Avatars can be bought when players enter their profile while virtual items can be purchased while they participate in a game.


The platform has several lotteries of different value through which they can win many chips.


Each player’s score is based on the international ELO rating system.All players start with a rating of 1,500 and then points are added or deducted based on the score of each player with whom they compete.In case of achieving equal points in a game, the winner is the one with the lowest ELO (i.e. the player who is theoretically weaker). In this case s/he gets half of the points for a win.If a player leaves a game after the first round his opponent wins the points for the ELO while also recorded as a win (in addition to the chips).Each player has two kinds of ratings. The general rating is determined by all the games in which it participates (the general ELO).The rating in the Ranking Table which starts each time from the same point for all contestants.


All players can win additional chips by participating in the Leaderboards which have a specific duration (weekly, monthly etc).To win any of the prizes, each player must participate in a minimum number of games specified by the platform.


The Competitions have a predetermined duration and participation price and can be for 2 or 4 players.All features of the game are defined from the beginning and do not change afterwards.With each entry players are entitled to play a certain number of games.There are two kinds of competitions.The first type takes into account the total games of each player while the second type takes into account his x best games (the number is determined from the beginning).The prize of each competition is determined at the beginning while some competitions pay an increasing prize based on the number of entries.This means that the more players involved, the higher the prizes they can win.Biriba card game



Mpirimpa is a card game for 2 players or 2 pairs of players.Your objective is to create combination with 3 or more cards to achieve more points than your opponents.The ultimate goal of the game is for the player (or the respective pair) to collect as many points as possible in order to reach (or exceed) the predetermined number of points that will determine the final winner or winners.Each player must close or throw out of his hands all the cards that have been dealt to him.The faster he achieves this, creating combinations that give him/her the maximum number of points,the more chances he has to win.The game is played with two deck of cards including Jokers (wildcards).Games can be played from 505 to 5005 points per game.The game is very popular in Greece and Cyprus, but also Italy, Brazil etc with some variations in rules.On our platform we have two versions of Mpirimpa, which differ in two rules which are explained below.


SharingEach player is dealt 11 cards. Two piles of 11 cards each are also left on the table (for each player or pair). These piles are called the ‘Pot’. The other cards are the deck from which players collect cards.GameThe first player must take a card from the deck and try to make combinations to place them in the game area (at least 3 consecutive cards of the same suit – see below for acceptable combinations). Players can create as many combinations as they like.When finished, the player must throw a card and place it in the pile at the table (discarded cards).At the beginning of each round, each player has the option to take a card off the deck or get all the accumulated cards in the pile to make combinations.Difference 1 between Mpirimpa Pro / MpirimpaIn the case of Mpirimpa Pro in order to have the option to take all accumulated cards from the pile you must ‘justify’ this by placing at least one new combination in the game area or insert cards in the combinations you have already placed. If you cannot do that you only have the option to take a card from the deck.The wildcardsCards with a 2 and Jokers have the wildcard function and can be used in any combination.You can only have one wildcard in a combination.You can have two if one of them is a Joker and the other one is a 2 in its normal position.It is possible to replace a joker with the corresponding card.• In the case of a 2 that acts as a joker, if it is the same suit as the rest of the combination and can replace 2 (it will no longer act as a joker to replace 2).• If not possible, it will continue to act as a joker at the right end of the sequence (where the highest cards are placed).• If not possible, it will continue to act as a joker on the left edge (with the lower cards).• If the sequence is complete (from ace to ace), the joker cannot be replaced.Mpirimpa (sequence)Mpirimpa is formed when a combination of 7 or more consecutive cards is achieved.Each Mpirimpa gives additional points to players .Depending on how they are formed, there are different types of Mpirimpas:• Dirty: It includes at least one wild card.• Clean: No use of wildcard.• Complete Pure Mpirimpa:Formed when it is possible to form a clean sequence from Ace to King.Note: Dirty Mpirimpa can be made clear when the 2 used as a joker can be moved to the position of 2. If this is not possible (for example, if the combination has a joker), it can never be a clean Mpirimpa.PotBiriba GameOn one side of the table, two stacks of 11 cards are held corresponding to each player (or pair of players). These stacks are called “POT”. When one of the players has no cards, he/she catches one of the piles of stock. Each partner can use only one of the Pots in a game.It is required that a Mpirimpa is achieved and placed at a table to be able to ‘close’ and get a Pot. When pairs play, only one player can close and get a “Pot”, while the other player in the team must continue with his cards.ClosingA player “closes” when he has no more cards in his hand.There are different ways to “close”:• Immediate: When a player places his last card over his game area, takes the Pot and continues to place combinations in the same game.• Indirect: When a player throws his last card into the pile and cannot use the Pot until the next round.• Finally: When a player throws the last of his cards and can no longer pick up from the cards in the pile (discarded cards), having at least one biriba in the game area.Note: To close,it is necessary to throw a card in the pile.


Allowable card combinations can be card sequences (example A-2-3 or 10-J-Q-K-A of the same suit e.g. mugs), or (in a game variation) of the same cards (example J-J-J or 4-4-4-4), called columns or males.As mentioned above Mpirimpa is done when we have at least 7 consecutive cards or 7 same cards.If it doesn’t contain a wildcard, it’s called “clean” and if it contains “dirty” wildcards.The Thousand points or Full Mpirimpa consists of all the cards of a suit (e.g. mugs) from Ace to King.If it doesn’t contain a wildcard, it’s called “clean” and if it contains “dirty” wildcards.Difference number 2 between Mpirimpa Pro / MpirimpaIn the case of Mpirimpa there are two variants– In the first variant by selecting the option Columns (check box) you can create combinations with the same cards of different suit (at least three).– In the second variant you can only create combinations with consecutive cards of the same suit (at least three).In the case of Mpirimpa Pro you can create combinations only with consecutive cards of the same suit.


CardsEach card has the following value (regardless of color):• Joker and 2: 20 points• Ace (A): 15 points• K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8 : 10 points• 7, 6, 5, 4, 3: 5 pointsAfter they have been added (or subtracted in the case of the players that lost), the points on each card are added to the total score.If a player closes (in case they play pairs, one of the pair) manages to discard all his cards from the biriba, then he gets another 100 points and the game ends.The remaining players (or pairs) subtract the value of the cards they have in their hand from their overall score. It is much easier to count cards as follows:• Joker and 2 for 2 points• A for 1.5 point • K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8 for one point• 7, 6, 5, 4 & 3 for 0.5 pointAnd after you find the sum of the points, multiply by 10.BiribesEach Biriba gives additional points to players (except the above)::• If the biriba is clean, then it’s worth 200 points.• If the biriba is dirty, then it’s worth 100 points.• If the biriba is 7 cards and does not contain wildcards, then it is worth 200 points,• If the biriba is 7 cards and contains wildcards, then it is worth 100 points.• Thousand or full / five hundred:• Without a wild card, it’s worth 500 points.• As long as there’s a wild card, it counts 100 points.TrumpThe color of the first discarded sheet determines the color of trumps.– A trump biriba, if it’s clean, is worth 500 points.– A trump biriba, if it’s dirty, is worth 300 points.– The full trump biriba is worth 1,000 points when it’s clean.– The full trump biriba is worth 300 points when it’s dirty.Depending on the variation of the game, points can be set differently.



The game is played by pairs of two partners with the players of each team sitting opposite one another. The game is traditionally run counter-clockwise. During the game, the partners try to help each other score points and gain the lead. The game is played over several hands with the goal to be the first team to score a total of 1000 points (or less if agreed among the players).


Basic Description
  • The objective is to get rid of all your cards while at the same time collect most points. The Game finishes when 3 out of the 4 players or one of the couples exit the game first (by getting rid of all their cards).
  • The Game utilizes the 52 standard cards plus four special cards.
    • Each player is dealt 14 cards in two stages. During the first stage they get the fist eight cards after which they can declare Grand Tichu (basically claim that they will exit the game first. The second six cards after which they can declare Tichu before they deal their first card.
  • After the 14 cards are dealt each player exchanges one card with each of the other three players (simultaneously).
Special Cards
  • The Mah Jong. The player with the Mah Jong leads the opening trick, but is not required to play Mah Jong in the trick. The Mah Jong may be played as a 1, either by itself or in a MJ2345+ straight. When the Mah Jong is played, you may make a Wish (request a card number 2-A). The wish remains active until it is fulfilled. Each player who can fulfill the Wished card must play it, if possible, until it is played once—if the wished card requires you playing four of them as a Bomb (i.e. to beat the straight, above), you must. If the Mah Jong opens a trick as a straight, the next player must play a straight containing the wished value, if possible. If a straight can only be constructed with the Phoenix (as wild card, not the wished value), you must play it. Remember: if you can, you must.
  • The Dog has no numeric value, and cannot be played in a trick. The Dog must be played as the lead card, and passes the lead to your partner. If your partner is out, play passes to the active player after your partner’s position. It is not possible to steal the lead in any way, as such, bombing the dog is not allowed.
  • The Phoenix may be played alone as .5 higher than the previous card played (i.e. after A, Phoenix is played as A.5), or as a wild card in a combination (with a value from 2-A). The declared value of a Phoenix in a straight doesn’t satisfy the Mah Jong’s wish, above. The Phoenix cannot be included as a wild card in a bomb, is not a wild card as a single play, has only a value of 1.5 when played as lead, and it doesn’t count as .5 higher when used in a straight. The Phoenix is sometimes also referred to as the Nexus.
  • The Dragon is the strongest card and may only be played in a single card trick. The player wins the trick, unless the Dragon is bombed. If the trick is won with the Dragon, the trick is given to your opponent (you choose which one). Furthermore, if the dragon is bombed, the player who played the largest bomb on the trick takes the entire trick for themselves (which includes the dragon). Furthermore, it is impossible to use the dragon in order to win the dog.
GameplayThe player with the Mah Jong leads the first trick. In Tichu, playable card combinations are generally based on Poker hands, with some exceptions. A player may pass on a trick with the option to play in later (essentially checking in Poker), and a trick is completed if it is passed three times in a row.Cards are ranked 23456789TJQKAPlayable card combinations include: a single card; any pair; two or more “stairs” (consecutive pairs; for example, 55667788. Non-consecutive pairs may not be played); three of a kind; straights of at least five cards in length, regardless of suit/color (so 56789TJQ is playable); and full houses (three of a kind & a pair).Players must play the combination that is played by the player who starts the trick (with the exemption of a bomb described below).Four of a kind or a straight flush of at least five cards is a bomb which beats any card combination with the exception of a bigger bomb. Bombs may be played at any time (even out of turn) to end a trick, with every player given a chance to play bigger bombs before the trick is taken.An example of “bombing”: 10< K< D< 8888< AAAA< ♦9♦10♦J♦Q♦K< ♠2♠3♠4♠5♠6♠7.


  • The total points in a round are 100 points.
  • Teams gain or deduct extra points for Grand Tichu (±200 points) and/or Tichu (±100 points) calls. As an example: player A declared Grand Tichu and lost to D’s Tichu. A&C lose 200 points and B&D gain 100 points.
  • If both players on a team get rid of all their cards before either player on the opposing team is out of cards, the winning team scores 200 points and there is no card scoring this round.
  • The last player out gives their remaining cards to the opposing team, and gives all the tricks they have won this round to the first player out.
  • Points are scored based on the cards in the tricks won by each team.
  • Kings and tens are worth ten points each, fives are worth five points, the Dragon is worth 25 points, and the Phoenix is worth negative 25. All other cards score zero.

Biriba Game


1. Game Objective

The objective of the game is to manage to make a continuous line of Xs.This line can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.

2. How to play

Biriba Card Game

When you create a game, you choose the number of squares you want.If the number is– 3 x 3 then you must achieve three consecutive X– 4 Χ 4 then you must achieve four consecutive X– 5 Χ 5 then you must achieve four consecutive X