Malayalam Months And Stars

  1. Malayalam Months 2020
  2. Malayalam Star Finder
  3. Malayalam Months And Stars Coloring Pages
  4. Comedy Star Malayalam

In astrology, it is believed that is important for everyone to determine the birth stars as it plays a significant role in predicting the future events that would happen in one's life. Totally there are 27 birth stars (nakshatras). The given below is an interesting online Malayalam nakshatra finder calculator to know the birth star in Malayalam, Tamil, and Western or Latin. Also, this birth star calculator in Tamil provides you the name of the sign in English.

Names of stars in Malayalam from English are provided in a list below. For easy understanding of the Malayalam names and how to pronounce them, we have provided a Roman orthographic help so that users who can’t read the Malayalam script could easily pick the names.

  1. Malayalam Calendar or Kollam Era is a solar and sidereal Hindu calendar used in Kerala.The origin of the calendar has been dated as 825 CE. There are many theories regarding the origin of the era, but according to recent scholarship, it commemorated the foundation of Kollam after the liberation of the region (known as Venadu) from the Pandya rule by or with the assistance of the Chera king at.
  2. Malayalam Nakshatra Finder. In astrology, it is believed that is important for everyone to determine the birth stars as it plays a significant role in predicting the future events that would happen in one's life. Totally there are 27 birth stars (nakshatras).

Birth Star Calculator in Tamil

In astrology, it is believed that is important for everyone to determine the birth stars as it plays a significant role in predicting the future events that would happen in one's life. Totally there are 27 birth stars (nakshatras). The given below is an interesting online Malayalam nakshatra finder calculator to know the birth star in Malayalam, Tamil, and Western or Latin. Also, this birth star calculator in Tamil provides you the name of the sign in English.

Malayalam Months 2020

Feel free to try this birth star calculator Malayalam to know your birth star which would help you in marriage matchmaking. Just enter the date of birth and birth timings in this nakshatra calculator Tamil, the tool will update you the name of your star within the blink of an eye.

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Names of stars in Malayalam from English are provided in a list below. For easy understanding of the Malayalam names and how to pronounce them, we have provided a Roman orthographic help so that users who can’t read the Malayalam script could easily pick the names.

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestion, please feel free to post through the comment section.


Malayalam Star Finder

TodayEnglish Names of StarsMalayalam Names of StarsMonthsPronunciation HelpAshwiniഅശ്വതിAshwathiBharaniഭരണിBharaniKrittikaകാർത്തികKaarthikaRohiniരോഹിണിRohiniMrigashirshaമകീര്യംMakeeryamArdraതിരുവാതിരThiruvaathiraPunarvasuപുണർതംPunarthamPushyaപൂയംPooyamAshleshaആയില്യംAayilyamMaghaമകംMakamPurva PhalguniപൂരംPooramUttara Phalguniഉത്രംUthramHastaഅത്തംAtthamChitraചിത്രChithraSwatiചോതിChothiVishakaവിശാഖംVishaakhamAnuradhaഅനിഴംAnizhamJyeshtaതൃക്കേട്ടThrukkettaMoolaമൂലംMoolamPurva AshadhaപൂരാടംPooraadamUttara Ashadaഉത്രാടംUthraadamShravanaതിരുവോണംThiruvonamDhanisthaഅവിട്ടംAvittamShatabhisaaചതയംChathayamPurva Bhadrapadaപൂരുരുട്ടാതിPoorooruttaathiUttara Bhadrapadaഉത്രട്ടാതിUthrattaathiRevatiരേവതിRevathiPost Views:

Malayalam Months And Stars Coloring Pages


Comedy Star Malayalam
