Dgvoodoo 2

What's New:

Download dgvoodoo 2.54 or the current WIP below extract the files anywhere inside DGvoodoo MS copy d3d8.dll into your PlayOnline SquareEnix playonlineviewer folder copy d3Dcompiler47 in your system folder c: windows syswow64 (64bits version) Please read all the prereq on the website or in the helpme file.

  1. In mind that every instance of XI will use w/e vram you have set so if you dual box and have a 2gb card you will.
  2. DgVoodoo 2.71.3: Glide related stuffs. Table of contents 1. Glide options 2. Glide additional options 3. Gamma correction 4. Some technical info 5. Tips and known issues.

- Support for new output APIs are added
* Direct3D11 at feature level 10.0 (there are some restrictions)
* Direct3D11 Microsoft WARP renderer
- Support for rendering DirectShow movie playback
- Resolution overriding for DirectX emulation is now available
- New scaling mode (forced 4:3 aspect ratio) with/without CRT-like appearance is added
- MSAA support for DX8
- Lot of DX8 bugfixings
- A few DDraw/D3D bugfixings
- Making 'VertexLayout' functionality be compatible with a real 3Dfx driver (Glide3)

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Dgvoodoo 2.53

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Dgvoodoo 2

dgVoodoo 2 is a 3DFX Glide and DirectX 1 to 7 wrapper that’s been turning heads in the PC retrogaming community with its excellent performance and great compatibility. As long as you have a PC that’s capable of running Direct3D 11 software, you can try this excellent wrapper software with your legacy DirectX and 3DFX games. Not only does the wrapper fix compatibility problems on a lot of old games, it also enables you to use modern, Direct3D 11 gaming tools, such as Nvidia Shadowplay and Evolve. We had some great results when we tested the wrapper with Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura for instance.

Dgvoodoo 2 Fix


Dgvoodoo 2 Ffxi

Using dgVoodoo 2 is really easy, head over to our tutorial page here to find out how.